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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Tetra Pak Launches Europe's first ever FSC-Certified milk cartons in Ireland

Following our recent article Moving Milk, Glass Bottles or Recyclable Packaging the case for the carton grows...............

Tetra Pak Ireland has announced the first-ever Forest Stewardship Council™ (FSC)-certified carton into the Irish market, in its latest move to ensure its cartons have the strongest environmental story possible.

FSC certification is one of the highest standards of forest certification and requires forests to be managed in a way that protects the environment, society and the long-term economic future of forestry.

Tetra Pak cartons with the new FSC certification label can now be found on Avonmore one-litre milk ranges.

The launch of the certification comes at a time when people across Ireland are still determined to care about the environment, despite the current tough economic times. Three-quarters of people (78%) feel it is important that their milk and juice packaging is made from renewable materials and around 40% of people say they are willing to pay more for environmentally-friendly products.

In support of this, Tetra Pak is running a public awareness campaign - See the Wood for the Trees! It is an educational campaign to help families across Ireland to see the bigger picture, think about the planet and consider the environmental impact of a product across the whole of its life before they buy it. It is about understanding the importance of looking after the planet’s natural resources and how easy it can be for them to ‘do their bit’ by choosing milk and juice in cartons.

Cartons are made from wood - a natural, renewable resource. Tetra Pak works with its suppliers

to ensure that the forests the wood is sourced from are responsibly managed, ensuring that all the paperboard used comes from known, legal and acceptable sources. Tetra Pak already sources 100% of its paperboard in Europe from FSC chain-of-custody certified suppliers in order to demonstrate traceability.

FSC certification is widely recognised as one of the highest standards of independent forest management certification.

Commenting on the campaign, Tetra Pak Ireland’s Environment Manager Richard Hands said - "We are delighted to partner with Glanbia - the owners of Avonmore - to launch Ireland’s first ever FSC-certified cartons in the Irish market. Tetra Pak is committed to ensuring that the materials we use to make cartons can be regrown or re-produced and are sourced from well-managed, sustainable forests.

"I encourage everyone to 'see the wood for the trees' and look at the wider environmental picture when choosing your milk and juice products."
For more information about the campaign -
Click Here

To revisit Moving Milk, Glass Bottles or Recyclable Packaging Click here



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